Make Aligned Life or Career Decisions Based on Your Values

The Who Am I Coach talks about clarity in your values

You’ve probably seen values plastered all over corporate brochures and websites touting that their business runs on values. Mostly though they are generic values and are not embodied within the organisation. Some do this very well though! And the ‘value’ (yes :)) of knowing your values and embodying them in your life is imperative to getting clarity about what you ‘value’ and using your values to make aligned decisions - in your job, relationships, the lifestyle you crave and more.

It’s changed my approach to making decisions and really thinking hard about what I value and whether that job opportunity or person I want to work with align to my values.

What are values?

Values are deeply held beliefs and principles that guide an individual's thoughts, actions, and behaviours. They represent what a person considers important, worthwhile, and meaningful in life. Personal values serve as a moral compass, influencing decision-making, goal-setting, and overall behaviour.

They are subjective, as they hold meaning and purpose to you, and can vary significantly from person to person. They are shaped by various factors, including upbringing, culture, religion, education, personal experiences, and personal reflection. Personal values often reflect an individual's beliefs about what is right or wrong, what is important or unimportant, and what brings fulfilment and happiness.

Some common examples of personal values include (but not limited to).

  1. Integrity: Upholding honesty, ethics, and moral principles.

  2. Respect: Valuing others' opinions, beliefs, and rights.

  3. Responsibility: Being accountable for one's actions and obligations.

  4. Compassion: Showing empathy, kindness, and concern for others.

  5. Freedom: Valuing personal liberties, autonomy, and independence.

  6. Equality: Promoting fairness, justice, and equal opportunities for all.

  7. Growth: Valuing personal development, learning, and self-improvement.

  8. Family: Prioritising and nurturing relationships with loved ones.

  9. Adventure: Seeking new experiences, challenges, and exploration.

  10. Balance: Striving for harmony and equilibrium in various aspects of life.

*If you would like a values clarity sheet download a digital and printable worksheet HERE.

It's important to note that personal values can evolve and change over time as individuals gain new experiences, insights, and perspectives. Understanding and aligning with one's personal values can contribute to a sense of purpose, well-being, and fulfilment in life.

So have a think about what are the things that matter most to you? What do you stand for? What do you love?

When you have a clear understanding of your core values you can use them as a guide to make decisions, set goals, and take action in your life and career.

Take time to really connect with your values. What do they mean to you? How do they make you feel?

Values can change over time depending on how your life circumstances evolve and your priorities change. You might change careers, or decide to have a family, which can change your values. It’s always good to check in with yourself!

When you start living according to your values you'll feel more aligned, happy, and fulfilled, and begin living a life that’s aligned to who you truly are.

If you’re ready to get clarity about your values and create a life that’s aligned to your desires then I’d love to chat and help you on your journey.

Send me an email at to book in a complimentary connection call today.


Creating What You Want In Your Life - Through Clarity and Beliefs


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