I help corporate professionals create lives and careers they love through a holistic approach blending clarity, beliefs and energetics

I help corporate professionals get clear on their passions and beliefs, so they can live a life and have a career they love, without overwhelm or anxiety.

I help corporate professionals create a lives and careers they love by understanding who they are

What is ‘Coaching by Susanna’?

I support and empower corporate professionals to live fulfilling lives and careers by becoming clear about who they are, whilst removing limiting beliefs or blocks holding them back - whether it’s a getting promoted, landing their next bigger role or changing careers that feel in alignment with who hey are.

I do this through 1:1 coaching and tailored 6-month programme using NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Coaching, Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Breathwork, and my own life and career experience.

Are you ready to transform your life?

Do you feel:

  • You lack clarity about what you want in your life or career?

  • You feel bored and stuck in your job?

  • Feel like you’re reacting to life or things as they come up without a clear path forward?

  • You are looking for meaning and purpose?

  • You keep repeating patterns in your career such as lacking in confidence, imposter syndrome, feeling overwhelmed, anxious or burned out, yet don’t know how to change them?

Do you want to:

  • Feel clear about your next step and live from an aligned place?

  • Be happy, have fun and live with purpose?

  • Be intentional about your life and your lifestyle?

  • Work in a job or career that you love AND you’re good at?

  • Stop repeating patterns and feel like life flows with ease?

Are You:

  • A corporate professional in the middle of your career

  • A high achiever, always looking to improve yourself

  • A growth mindset individual

  • You have an interest in spiritual practices such as meditation, breath and energy work

  • If you answered yes to the above you are in the right place!

  • What if I told you I can help you lead the life and career you want through self-awareness, rewiring limiting beliefs and patterns, and energetics, using my tailored coaching approach?

    If you’re curious about what living a life you love in alignment with who you are could look like, then fill in the ‘contact me’ form or email me below for a complimentary connection call.

“All change starts with awareness, of who you are, your beliefs and what you desire”

— Susanna KM


Who am I?

I have been fortunate to have grown up and lived in several countries - born and grew up in Singapore, lived in Australia for a decade, Germany and the UK which I call home. But where I’m from and who I am has always been something I’ve questioned. Who am I?

Worldly, travel addict, European, IT-career girl, driven, love for adventure, spiritual, health focused… this is how I first described ‘who I am’ when I was asked the question by a coach. But I realised who you are holds so many perspectives and intricacies. Who I am was a journey I had to embark on to understand my past behaviours, experiences, beliefs, and how these made me the person I am today. A lot of this was formed based on my childhood (cliche but true!), experiences throughout my life, growing up in boarding school, through relationships and patterns I didn't understand, and navigating my career to figure out what I wanted to do, what I was good at and what was aligned to my values. Values then were just words on a piece of paper - now I recognise the significance of connecting to them.

For the past 15+ years I’ve been working in the corporate world working for some incredible companies such as Citrix, VMWare, Salesforce, WalkMe to name a few, helping companies and individuals succeed in their digital transformation journeys. It’s through my own journey of self discovery, and wanting to understand who I am, that I recognised I loved helping PEOPLE, the people behind these companies to realise their wants and desires and to create from a place of knowledge and awareness.

I truly believe that when you know who you are and what makes you tick, what your desires are, what inspires you, and what you’re good at, then you can create a life you’re excited about, day in day out.

This is why I am passionate about helping people find their voice and who YOU are.